#242 Be the Solution.

#242One night last month I found myself uneasy, unrested and unable to sleep and once again scrolling through Facebook. Asking the Lord for his help in getting me through the night as I often do and most times I’m up all night until 3 am sometimes 4 . You would think that the Lord has forgotten me but it is so ironic that in nights like these I seem to come across the most unusual things that grab me that I will often find very interesting things that I’ll either save to my phone or write or take a screen shot because saving it to my memory is not gonna hold up and even God knows my weakness. He knows in times like today where my heart is kinda aggravated and I’m just kinda bent often times my writing will suffer . I’ll go back through my phone and look at all my photos I’ve saved on those restless nights of sleep and the same photos that jumped out or grabbed me out of nowhere that caused me to save them for whatever reason will be put to good use in such a time as this. So he can help me learn the art of why love is an action word and we must not mimic our Parents and their actions or words as children but learn from them as adults . We must learn to mimic our Father and his actions and Words that he taught us through the love of his Son Jesus Christ because while are own parents love us unconditionally and they do. They too , are only human. They too make mistakes and should not be held accountable for them for the rest of their lives and they too have a right to be forgiven just like each and every one of us who sins on a daily basis who Jesus died for. Everyday I watch adults , me included, hold on to that bitter seed every day for something that their Father or Mother did to them years ago . Some people even sixty years ago! Their Father or Mother has probably already been laid to rest , yet they cannot make peace with the fact the man or woman who done them so dirty , so wrong who no longer is even living is still taunting them. I got news for you. It is not their Father or Mother taunting them. It is the Devil and the demons and the invisible war that they are not seeing that is going on all around them and has been going on all around them for sixty years of their life since Satan has been tied up and the Devil has been in control of this world. It is the demons that whisper in the ear of those people and often times good Godly men and woman who know the Word of God. Baptized Brothers and Sisters in the name of Jesus Christ. Who are armed and dangerous . Who have the power given to them through Jesus Christ to not be harassed any longer by the Devil and his demons to be taunted and controlled and left feeling angry and disturbed and depressed and mad at everyone else who has the seemingly perfect family that they did not get . That they pick fights with the spouse that were given both sets of parents even if their Spouse came with a crazy set of parents and the most dysfunctional household you can imagine. It doesn’t matter. Atleast their Spouse had both a Mother and Father. Then there is the Spouse on the otherhand taking the verbal abuse from the person that vowed to love ,honor ,trust ,obey and lay down their life for them as Jesus Christ has laid down his life for the Church.I have to ask the men out there . How many of you would lay down your life for your wives? Now I ask the same man out there. How many of the same men would lay down your life for your children? Now , I ask the same men , if you had to choose between your wife or your child, what would your answer be ? If you chose your child. You would not lay down your life for your wife. That answer God is looking for is your wife. You can always have other children. God only gives you ONE wife. If you do not believe me. Go ask a man of the cloth. I have asked several and put many on the spot and they have gave me the same answer. Different wording. Same conclusion. By God’s Mercy and Grace God would never put us in that position of course. I always like to see a person’s face when I say , that was not the question. I’m asking what is God expecting of a man to do. When I get like that most people say that I would be great in politics . I always laugh and say a great filibuster yes . Politics no. I’m too level headed for politics and I make too much sense and I would go all the way back to what our Forefathers were meaning without disecting the words and worrying about offending every person in the world. I believe in hoeing your own row. Staying in your own lane. Raising your own children and if you cannot at birth, take care of them, or atleast make an attempt , they go to a family at birth that cannot have children before they get stuck in a broken system. That sounds harsh.. doesn’t it ? I don’t think so. I was a teenager mom who worked at a meat market all through her pregnancy and it did not kill me. I got my Daughter Alyssa paid off when she was three years old. I made monthly payments to the Adams County Hospital every month for twenty dollars. I stayed out of trouble and did no drugs. I lived with my parents and when Alyssa was born ,my Dad became her guardian so she could go on his insurance until I could get a factory job and provide her better things and health coverage . Why ? Because I wanted better things for my Daughter. When Alyssa was a brat in a store and went stiff and threw a fit. She got drug out of the store on her hands and knees kicking and screaming . You can ask my Cousin April on this one as she was a witness and never did have children . Alyssa did get her little butt smacked in the parking lot and chewed out all the way home for the scene she made in aisle 4 at Kmart on Thanksgiving day early bird special and got nothing bought for her. As a teenager if she threatened to call her Grandparents to go live with them because I was a mean old Mom . I would hand her the phone and say good, let them pay for your cell phone bill. I was not a kind butt kissing Mom to my oldest child and because of that Alyssa is a lot different as an adult then my other children and it shows. When she comes down our lane to visit. Her little sisters scatter like rats because they know their older Sister is gonna come in like a lion and make them pick up their toys and help their Mom clean up their mess. Because she knows Mom has not been feeling well and they are old enough to know better. They are taking advantage of a good thing gone wrong. Up up up…. With my second oldest Child . My Bubsy(his nickname) Eli. I started to cut back a little on rules because I was divorced from Eli’s Dad and the Devil got his way and broke up the Family unit. I spoiled Eli a lot more then I did Alyssa. I was not married to Alyssa’s Dad. So in my eyes there was no family unit to tear a part because Alyssa had so much family love that, that girl was like a little performing monkey in the family. She got so much love. But from me ,her Mother , she got tough love. She will be the first to admit that.These days the children have changed and do you know why? Because the Government has allowed it. It’s like me complaining about my kids being spoiled and tearing up the house . Well , who the hecks fault is that ? The Parents dah ? Stop buying them crap they don’t need and say no. Start demanding that they pick up their mess and do more.. Or quit complaining their spoiled and unhelpful. Doesn’t that seem to make sense ? We brought it on ourselves America. Just like I’m bringing it on myself. We gave the children the right to become looters when we took the rights away from the parents to parent their own children and the Teachers to teach their own students in the way they seem fit in their own classrooms. When students can go into a class room and play on their phone and not be present and be a disruption to those that want to learn and the Teacher gets reprimanded for trying to remove the student for being a mouth piece because teenage little Johnny smart mouthed the Teacher by calling them a slurred name and the Teacher had no right to take their phone away and some other student posted what they wanted too on social media making the Teacher look worse then it was and now the Teacher is on unpaid leave and may lose their job and still have to pay all their collage student loans off and now the student and parents are gonna sue the school for damages to the phone and psychological trauma to little Johnny for all he went through. Do you see something wrong with this picture America? America did this to themselves. Do you know the funny part. The devil doesn’t even have to try with America because America is doing it to themselves. He’s popping popcorn and watching the show ! How do you feel about that! ? Take it all in because this is just the previews. You have not seen anything yet America.I was on social media the other day and I seen a picture of the most precious baby girl no older then 2 or 3 walking with her Mama protesting and she had a sign around her neck that said. “I hate Police” I started to cry. Literally busted out crying. I’ve done that before. Something will come over me. Like the Holy Spirit takes over and my heart breaks and I just sob like I can feel the Spirit of God and how he feels the way he feels when my heart is broke. But there’s no way God would bring me sorrow or pain because he is good. Jesus is joy and love and peace. So how come I was crying and sobbing like that? Over a little African American child with such harsh words around her neck not even knowing what they meant? The sins of her Mom , the anger, hate , frustration and sorrow around her neck of her Mother’s pain plaguing her and weighing her down. Baring false witness against her neighbor. That is a Sin and her Sin has now become her Daughter’s sin. That is a crime against our Father. I realized then that her Mother may one day be responsible for her Child’s Sin and maybe a crime if that little girl grows up to have a chip on her shoulder with the police and cannot find it in her heart to love the police. She may one day look upon them as the enemy. It occurred to me that I have two Cousins and many friends who wear that badge with honor and bravery. What if they would ever come in contact with her or a person with that sane attitude baring that same grudge and Sin. I love my Cousins and they are not bad cops or bad men. My Cousin Lenny has spent his life being a good police officer getting down level with the children of our own community just to make a difference. The children of our community who have no Father’s and the children of our community who do have Father’s look up too. Lenny as a mentor. I’ve watched him spend countless hours of his own time having lunch with these children, shopping with these children. I’ve seen these children wrap their bodies around his arms and legs like a brother, a friend , a Father. They absolutely love this guy. They love my Cousin. They love this police officer. They do not hate him and that is a fact. They loved him when he was a Police Officer. They loved him when he was a Detective and some of them have grown to be adults and still love him as the Chief of Decatur ,Indiana. So if I was sobbing it was because we have Mommy’s and Daddy’s out there brainwashing our children to hate the authorities that are out there protecting our nation and keeping order and saving the other little lives that have no Fathers or Mothers and they are the one’s that do deserve a chance in this life to have a good life. As a Mother of five children and taxpayer of the United States. I’m here to say that this crap needs to stop right now in our Country. If people are going to badmouth our Authoirities and brainwash our children in public. This should be illegal. That is not freedom of speech that is child abuse. America , you have been losing your rights from the day you were born. The day the Devil has had you under his power. The day he has been taunting you with his lies, his shame , his guilt , his sin , his mistakes, his sorrow, his pain , his envy, his hate , his regrets. You have had no rights since the day you were born America. The only right you have , is the the right to tell the Devil to go to hell and stay there in Jesus name. Stay the hell away from you , your family and your children . God gave you that right the day Jesus Christ died on that Cross and died for each one of us . Use that right , use God’s Word when he is using you to remind you that your still in chains . You may be IN this world but you are not OF IT and the Devil does not want you to know that.

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