#237 The strongest stepping stones.


A question for Parents , Aunts or Uncles. Have you ever had a child, niece or nephew do something or say something so wrong that caused so much pain that disappointed you so much that you would obviously never stop loving them but you expected so much more out of them and knew that they were raised to know better that you felt it was your responsibility to apologize for them because you felt that bad for the person that you loved so much and knew they were going through a hell of their own just by what pain their actions or words have caused ? By the Grace of God I’m thankful I have never been put in that position and pray God keeps me from finding out. Having said that , I read an article today about a family that felt the need to make a public apology on behalf of their adult Son on something he had posted on social media this past weekend after he made a really nasty statement that was so offensive even to his own parents , a Father who was a retired NASCAR driver , about the incident with the NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace and the recent events of someone hanging a noose in his garage stall. Bubba Wallace is the only African American Driver in NASCAR’s top -flight racing series and three weeks ago was very instrumental in getting the organization to bar the confederate flag at it’s events . Needless to say it has caused a world wind of anger, emotions and need I say it, a step back into a history where most of us would just as soon forget – But life is not about forgetting. Life is about two things. Learning from the mistakes that we as humans have made or repeating the same mistakes that we as humans have made. Because you see , if you are a human , your gonna make mistakes. But if your a Christian human. Your gonna get tired of it real quick and want to get better . Not just for you and humanity but more importantly for Christ. As a christian, you already understand that there is nothing you can do to change the past. It is over and done. There is nothing you can do to change the fact that you are human. You have already probably faced the fact that you are flawed and you will never ever be perfect enough , good enough , clean enough to do what is right , what is correct ,what is the best way , the only way , the decent way , the moral way ,the perfect way . If you try to do anything your own way . All I can say is that you will fail and you will fail miserably if you think you can do anything on your own without God as your strength, your Lord as your Savior and the Holy Spirit as your comforter when you are weak because we as humans are too weak and without the Lord the Devil is too clever , too powerful and too tricky. So trying to go at being a good , self righteous person is already off the table. I have already faced the fact that I am never going to get in to the Kingdom of God on my own merits because I’m already in the negative . I was in the negative before I even got here. Eeeks! It doesn’t matter how many good deeds you do , how many poor people we feed , how many church services we go too because in the end . If we are doing it for ourselves , it’s worthless. It means nothing because we are still stained. Because deep down we will always go back to judging people. Condemning people . Wanting to fight and aggravate people. We can’t help it. Think about everything you did today and everything you posted on social media . Everything you said or did not say to your husband or wife. Your friend , your boss or the person who cut you off in line , in the grocery store or was just a horrible slow driver who did not know how to use their turning signals while you were rushing to get where you needed to go. Be honest with yourself. How many of us really really prayed for those looters out there ? The protestors who are still out there being pesty -stirring everything up making matters worse. If it wasn’t for them ….Be honest. Don’t tell me that hasn’t crossed your mind . How many times today did you stop and pray for the people out there still standing up for what they believe in and exercising their right to the First Amendment ? I gotta tell you. I never prayed everyday for protestors before until I educated myself on the First Amendment and now everyday I make it a point to pray for the people that have the guts to stand up for themselves and for me . Do you know why ? Because they’re protecting my rights to the First Amendment everytime they exercise their right. They’re insuring my right and keeping it greased up. I not only pray for them . I thank God for them. Freedom of religion ! That’s huge. Just ask yourselves. How many of us have been praying for the people we have never had to pray for before. The people that are destroying the monuments and the crosses in Arlington cemetery? How many people have been praying for the people who have been looting and breaking the law and destroying personal property and taking advantage of a really bad situation ?How many of us right now are praying for the people responsible of banning the confederate flag at the NASCAR races? How many people were praying for a sobbing Bubba Wallace they seen on tv Monday right before Monday’s race after his fellow NASCAR teammates walked behind him a day after he found a noose in his NASCAR Garage right before the race was postponed on sunday. How many people are praying for the person responsible for placing that noose in the garage stall ? How many of us are praying and asking God to help us be more patient , more understanding, more compassionate and more like his Son , Jesus Christ , more forgiving and loving to our brothers and sisters? How many of us are grateful for all that is going on right now and that our eyes are being opened ? That good is going to come out of this dark situation and God will see his people through ?How many of us are holding on to our faith and thanking God for the gift of diversity and that he will accomplish something out of this ? Ask yourself and be honest , are you being grateful and holding on to Christ to get through this time and using him as a stepping stone or are you playing into the enemies hands and being an instigator and being a stumbling block to your neighbor and friend on facebook? Do not let the devil use you to taunt your neighbor or your brother or sister ? To rile them up , to get their goat . Remember , while you are not responsible for another’s sin if they should get angry or aggravated, you can prevent something just by holding your tongue and not upsetting someone deliberately . I always have to ask myself. Is a drunk driver responsible for a death they cause if it is not intentional and that too could have been prevented if they could have refrained from driving ? The same way , is a person responsible for getting people riled up and starting people fighting and friendships breaking for the things they post if they could have refrain from posting like a drunk driver refrain from putting it in drive. Atleast a drunk driver is drunk behind the wheel and intoxicated . What kind of excuse do you use about someone who is just being mean and hateful on the internet whose sober ? There is always a punishment to fit the crime . So I figure there is probably gonna be one in the next world as well. So please, do not be a distraction to your neighbor and DO NOT let your neighbor distract you . You know who likes to distract ? The enemy . Do not let your neighbor be a stumbling block to you. Use your neighbor as a stepping stone . Be grateful for the stumbling block that God has placed before you even if it has brought you pain , frustration , discouragement , hurt and bad feelings . Use the Lord for his strength in the moments where you are weak for God is strong. Lean on him and the people God will go through to help hold you up and be your strength in those moments and let you know that you are not alone in this life.

I witnessed a very beautiful thing on Monday. While the noose brought back a lot of bad history for the African American community . Especially Bubba Wallace. I’m thankful for him the race was postponed. Can you imagine racing with that on your mind and weighing on your heart ? But something happened right before the start of the race on Monday that I will never forget. It was a moment I watched Bubba Wallace and all the NASCAR drivers use that stumbling block as a stepping stone for their fellow driver and brother to help him reach higher ground. With Wallace steering, Kyle Busch and Ryan Blaney pushed the No. 43 car, into pit road while the rest of the drivers and crew members followed before the start of the race at Talladega Superspeedway in Alabama on Monday . I never seen anything like it. It was the most emotional display of sportsmanship I ever seen . Especially when Wallace got out of the car and sat at the edge of the window and put his head on the hood and sobbed . I was even sobbing . My kids didn’t know what to think. I had to explain why I was crying and what a noose was . I suppose that is how you keep history alive whether you want to or not . Even if it isn’t good history. You have to explain as humans why we made the mistakes we made . So atleast our children will not make the same mistakes their ancestors did and the same mistakes their ancestors did. That is how you break curses. You stop repeating history. By teaching history . Not by being proud of it. That is what God is wanting from all his children. To remember that as children of the living God we must remember that we have an obligation to him , which means we have an obligation to eachother. We belong to him . Which means , we belong to eachother. We need to look out for eachother in this life. We need to look out for eachother. We have enough enemies in this broken world to deal with just with the battles we don’t see with the Prince of Darkness . Why must we fight eachother ? We’re already battling against the demons that we do not see , why must we battle against our brothers and sisters demons too? He is wanting us to pray for our brothers and sisters when we don’t see eye to eye and do you know what the devil is wanting ? He is wanting to distract us from loving eachother enough to do so . And guess what? It’s working .How did we get from George Floyd to this ? What happened to us ? Do we need terrorists to take control of our airlines and destroy our nation and lives and cover our biggest city with ashes again so we don’t see color and badges again. Just so we can help brother and sister and save eachothers lives and hit our knees to the ground and pray for eachother against the enemies at work who are really a threat to our nation and world ? Are we that spoiled that we are going to be a stumbling block to our own brothers and sisters in our own towns , cities streets ,neighborhoods ,even across the street , on facebook , twitter and now on the racetrack ? No one cares who your gonna vote for in 2020 because in the end God is not going to judge you on whether you were Democrat or Republican or even Independent . He is simply going to judge you by the stumbling block you were to your brother and if you have a Savior who is Jesus Christ the living word of God , the Holy Spirit as your guide and comforter . You already have an in through Jesus already , because he paid the debt for your sin and your not going to be that stumbling block to your neighbor and if you are. Your going to repent real quick because the Holy Spirit that leads you and guides you. Will lead you to repentance real quick because you know the difference between right and wrong and the spirit of the Lord will not let you be a stumbling block to your brother or sister. You will take up your cross and pray for your enemies and ask the Lord to help give you strength to be a stepping stone in this life not a stumbling block . You have two choices in this life. Repeat history from the mistakes that humans have made or learn from it from the mistakes that we as humans have made. I choose to learn from the mistakes we as humans have made. So my children who are only human can lean on Jesus and know they do not have to make the same mistakes . So they can make this world a better place in which it was before they got here. I want my children to see me be a stepping stone and uplift a brother or sister to higher ground . So they too will learn to be stepping stones and help one another not trip eachother . The world needs more stepping stones and less stumbling blocks . We need to help eachother in this life not trip eachother. I want my children to be in line with other strong stepping stones . So when they stumble in this life and they will , they will be among some of the strongest rocks who will be there to uplift them to higher ground and they will not be among the stumbling blocks who were used to do the devil’s bidding being left out scattered not being used to uplift nor being uplifted because they were only used to trip everyone around them and the Devil does not want you to know that.

#236 The big guy


I remember standing in a funeral line with my family waiting to pay our respects to a young man who we watched grow up from the time he was five until the time he was twenty one. Though I don’t know if he realized whether he even knew how much he was being watched behind the scenes by a family he was no longer a part of since he was fifteen. He probably knows now I am sure. Life has a way of putting things on paperwork that seems to divide people . Which is a real shame because it never changes the love a person has in their heart. It only changes the dynamics.

As my family waited in that funeral line together . It was probably one of the saddest , longest lines I have ever stood in my entire life. I was seven and half months pregnant and it was very hard to not think to myself . Why ? Why him God? He was only twenty one ? His life was just beginning. Why not a murderer ? Or some really really bad person that rapes women or molests little kids ? Drake was a good boy ! I stood in that line remembering how angry I got being there and wondering why we all had to spend our day saying goodbye to a young life because this was not how it was suppose to be ! I had no idea that the devil was whispering in my ear the whole time while I was standing in line! I was not a born again Christian. I did not stand on the word of God. I grew up to be taught the word of God. I had the amo right in the palm of my hands . I actually had the arsenal , the weapons to defend myself against the enemy and his lies . Through Jesus Christ , God gave be the authority to use them all against the dark Spirits that are going to battle against me in dark times. This was a dark time. Saying goodbye to a loved one is a dark time !

Because that is the first lie the devil is going to start with right there to get a thumb nail in the door. He will tell you this is goodbye and that you will NEVER see your loved one again. That they are going in the ground forever. Well , maybe so if they follow him and his lies . But if they follow and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and trust and follow the word of God and believe in life everlasting . Physically the ground will be their resting place but truly they will be resting with Jesus Christ . You can shut the Devil down with the first lie if you know the word of God and embed it in your heart . The word of God is your weapon. Praying is how you communicate with your Father in heaven. He’ll teach you how to use each and every single weapon that he has made especially for you. Every gift that he has for you he will expose to you . So you can not only defend yourself against the enemy ,you can help others defend themselves against the enemy. I was never a praying person at that time in my life really. I always prayed for a healthy baby. I prayed for your normal things. My family. My friends. My children. I never truly knew what it was like to walk hand and hand with my heavenly Father one on one like I do now. I really did not have much of a relationship with him nine years ago . I was a busy working mom and my life was going pretty good. Never wait until life gets really bad until you have a one on one relationship with your heavenly Father . Tell him now that you want one. He’s waiting for you with open arms . He’ll guide you every step of the way. It won’t be easy . The enemy never gives up that easy but God is stronger and more powerful and that is how he walks with you and guides you and has a relationship with you is when the devil tempts you and taunts you and you look to the Lord for help and comfort . Peace and healing and you find it in God’s word. When you run to God’s word and not to the outside world for comfort and peace. It is in the outside world the things that you will find that will bring you more destruction and restlessness that will keep you up at night bringing you no peace . You will fret and be angry. God’s word is the only way to get through the anger in your heart , the grief in your sorrow and the pain in your wounds. God’s word is the only antidote for anything that is keeping you down in this world. No other quick fix will do. Nothing else can remove the enemy and keep him defeated because Jesus Christ is the living word of God.Nine years ago when I stood in that funeral line as a christian with a dusty bible waiting for me at home . Wondering and questioning God on the decisions he makes on the people he takes from this life. I remember standing behind my eighty five year old Grandpa . As we got up to the family to pay our respects . I over heard him say to one of the family members . “Here I am standing, an old man. Nothing to give. I don’t know why God does what he does . Who am I to question him ? My condolences.

” It got me thinking . We don’t know why God does what he does . But who are we?

“Yesterday I was sitting with my Dad watching my husband and my kids swim and we were talking about this week and everything our community had faced with the lives that were taken . The strength God has given each one of these families to get through this week. We’re not sure they could have done it as a family without God and Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. How God worked through the community of family and friends , neighbors and strangers to uplift these three families to get through the worst time of there life and how something good will come of it. Talking to my Dad and knowing that we are both believers in Jesus Christ as Our Lord and Savior and both know where we are going at the end of this life. My Dad was right in saying who are we to question the Big Guy ? Without him . There would be nothing . Without him . We are nothing and the Devil does not want you to know that .

#235 God’s word matters.

#235You ever get the wind knocked out of you ? Like when your having fun with your friends and then all of a sudden something happens and you either land on your back or someone comes up and smacks you upside your head and out of nowhere your doing one thing and the next thing you know your in a daze not knowing what your doing , where your going and honestly not really caring because everything that mattered and made a lot of sense last week , the day before , even hours or just minutes before you got the wind knocked out of you really don’t even matter any more because everything that mattered before you got the wind knocked out of you – You come to find didn’t really matter at all because what knocked the wind out of you was the only thing that should have really mattered to begin with. That was my whole town last Sunday. Actually my whole County. Adams County . I can honestly tell you that I know more people that got the wind knocked out of them on Sunday afternoon then I know more people that did not. When the reports came in that there was a two car traffic accident in the Southern part of Indiana involving four people and that no one survived and that three of the victims were three young men from Adams County. As a Mom and a Mother to a Son, very close in age to one of the boys. I cannot tell you how easy it was for me to identify with reversing roles and getting a taste of that gut wrenching nightmare and putting myself in another Mother’s shoes and feeling that indescribable pain yet being able to snap out of that horrific nightmare in a matter of seconds but knowing there are three Mother’s and three Father’s out there right now whose nightmares are just beginning really screws your head on straight and gets your heart right with God because I’m telling you. Any person in my home town who knew the families of these boys or knew the boys personally have been mourning for them and with them and have been truly uplifting them in their prayers. I have seen it personally and it has been the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life. But to see a whole Community come together and mourn together . Remembering what lives these boys lived. Knowing that the Community was brought together and made closer not by the passing of their lives but the lives they lived and because of that . They made such an impact on so many friends. That it was the boys’ friend Parker Busick who set up a vigil through twitter to meet in the parking lot of their alma mater Bellmont High School. Not expecting the crowd he got but figuring he would just stand on his car and use his voice. He didn’t have too. People showed up prepared . Boy did they show up. It was amazing to see the impact that these three boys made on our Community. I think the greatest impact and comfort that these three boys have made on me is knowing that I know their parents and I know their Parents raised them each in a Christian home. Those boys accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. How wonderful is that ? No wonder they made the impact they did on our Community. It all makes sense to me now. God’s light was always shining in each of them. It makes me wonder. How many times were they each the Jesus to someone? The girl that was just the friend crying over the stupid boy that didn’t deserve her anyway. The friend they could count on when all the other buddies were never around . The responsible one you could count on who you knew would be there to help you out , all you had to do was ask.I never knew these three boys but I know Jesus and I know how he loves his children and I know how he loves his teenagers and how he uses them each to help one another. Especially when he knows they Our children of God. They shine a different light on the world . People are drawn to that light. Especially when they need it most.


You would think our small town would be darker since this tragic accident . With the sun shining, I must admit it seems such a contradiction because I know everybody’s heart whose been effected by this is breaking but I have a feeling that in time our town is going to be a lot brighter one day. Not because the memory of these three boys will ever fade. I assure that will never happen . I can guarantee that will never happen. You know how I know ? Ask the residents of Monroe,Indiana . I can guarantee you they can all remember what they were doing and every kid from Adams Central , South Adams and Bellmont were doing when they got the wind knocked out of them when a traffic accident took the lives of another set of young men at a very young age. It changed the small town of Monroe,Indiana and Adams Central forever. Yet those boys were never forgotten . Do you know , you can still see them when you walk down the hallways of Adams Central. You can even feel them when it’s cross county time. You can even see their light shine in their family when they smile . Trust me , I know. My editor is married to the brother of one of the boys who was in that car that day. He lost his own brother but when Scott Andrews smiles . You can see his brother . It’s amazing really .How God still can let a person’s light shine right through another even when you know they’re resting in heaven . These boys are still alive when memories and stories are shared by the people that love them . That’s what keeps the families going. Never be afraid to talk about those boys. They are as alive as you and I. You just cannot see them because they’re resting with Jesus. No better place I would want my son or my brother to be if he cannot be with me.So you know what ? Decatur ,Indiana is gonna do what they do best and learn from the smaller towns nd schools around them . We will do the same thing Adams Central School and Monroe, Indiana did when they got the wind knocked out of them because when it did , it didn’t kill them , but it did make them stronger as a community because I do remember them relying on their Christian faith. We are gonna have to do the same thing Monroe , Indiana did. Decatur is going to have to rely on our Christian faith to get through this as a community because losing three young lives the way that we did is just too much for one person to bare . But with the comfort and peace from God above that only he can provide .We can do this together and uplift eachother and do as Jesus says and mourn with their family and friends. Keeping them all in our prayers because nothing in this world matters. Not black lives matters ,No white lives matters , No color matters , No your lives matters , No all lives matters . The only thing that matters. Is your ETERNAL LIFE THAT MATTERS and all I can veryify today is that the three young men from our town that were called home by their Heavenly Father, Lord and Savior on June 7th 2020 . Have made it home, safe and sound and they are resting with Jesus and I have comfort in that and the only thing I want to matter to you today is that God’s WORD MATTERS enough to you to follow in their footsteps because I want to see these young boys again someday and I want you to see these boys again someday and I want you to know that they did not die in vein . God had a purpose for them . They brought our community back together. We were being divided by the enemy . The bickering , the complaining. Does it even matter when you lose three lives ? Sometimes it takes the youth to bring people together to make you realize what you just lost. Even if for just one night. I want you to know that those three boys lives DID MATTER and the only thing in this life that should MATTER Is the word of God PERIOD and the devil does not want you to know that.

#234 You can still have peace even when man keeps you in chains.


Wow . Is all I can say about the state of the world right now and Thanks be to God for this chaos. There’s no better time for Christians to rise up and come together now more then ever and capitalize on two major events going on in the world right now. A pandemic and a civil rights movement. Boy oh boy is the enemy backed in a corner and spreading his lies more now then ever. Do I believe there is a pandemic going on ? For me and this is me folks. If one person is dying from covid- 19 and we have no vaccine that can stop us from spreading it to eachother when we cough or sneeze on the elderly or the babies and I cannot walk into a nursing home and visit the sick who is in need of seeing the living and I cannot touch a new born baby or hug my family without the fear of getting someone who has a compromised immune system very sick and possibly kill them because I can be carrying this virus and not know it if I should sneeze on them or cough on them . I am going to put that in the pandemic column and call it a day. Do not tell me this is just like the average flu and I will tell you why. With the average flu , I actually know when I have it and I stay home. With this , I do not know If I have it or not and who knows where I may be going and how many people I may be seeing just because my government says I can. Do not get me wrong I am not one big worry wort . This land is your land . This land is my land. This land is God’s land and God created every person on this earth . So I am gonna take that as he wants us all to be safe from disease if we can help it. I’m the Mother of five children , three step children , one daughter in law and two soon to be daughter in laws and God have mercy on any ones soul if I found out that someone intentionally decided to just take their life for granted and got them sick and it cost them their life when it could have been avoided because that is what your doing when you act like you just do not care about the elderly and the babies and the medical staff , doctors and nurses who are spending countless hours dealing with this pandemic and you are blowing it off like it is one big joke and it is not out there. I guess I would rather be laughed at by people in this life for wearing a mask when I am asked to do so or sit a part from people when asked to do so and find out it was all for nothing and the joke was on me. Then to deal with God’s wrath when I find out it was not a joke and because of my ignorance in thinking it was a joke and it was not, it cost a brother or a sister’s life and now it will cost me my eternal life because I was told to do something and I refused to listen . Who am I to play russian roulette with someone else’s life. I will play by the rules when businesses open up and still keep a social distance a part from people as instructed as long as people are perishing from covid-19. There is a time to every purpose under God.Another pandemic going on that the Devil has been capitalizing on since he talked Cain into killing Abel is what many don’t want to see that is out there and really always has been is racism, bigotry, prejudice and injustice . I’m not just talking about the color of our skin. I’m talking about good vs evil because believe it or not that is what we are battling right now. Until you know the word of God and sow it in your heart, mind, body and soul . Satan , the devil and his demons will play you like a fiddle . Just like he is doing right now with every protestor that has the least bit frustration on their mind and anger in their heart and rightly so . If they our unwilling to ask the Lord to take that burden and hurt from their heart while asking God to tame their tongue and control their temper. Praying for guidance and praying for their enemies right now. They will never find the justice they are seeking in this unjust world . They will never feel the contentment they have so long deserved because what they are looking for can only come from God not from man. Everyone wants to change the world . When really what they want is to change man . Only God can change man . Man cannot change man if the man does not see that he even has a problem because he himself is a victim. He is a victim of listening to the enemy and the enemy is destroying him while he destroys others and gets others to be self destructive. The devil has come to kill , steal and destroy and it is working. An ignorant man that listens to the Devils lies is like a man that does not believe that people are dying and have died in the world from covid -19 just because it has not effected him personally. An ignorant man may choose to believe that racism, prejudice and bigotry does not exsist when in fact it may have never effected that person personally but to think it does not exsist is an untrue statement to some that have been a victim of one or all three, just because it has not happened to you does not mean that it does not exsist.An ignorant man may chose to believe that this world is a just world but after the video of the George Floyd death. I really do not see how one can stand there and believe the Devil’s lies on that one because if you do . You are not only an ignorant man , you are a murderer.


Today was my brother Damien’s 48th birthday in Heaven. His body made it here to this world but his spirit never did. Nine full months my Mom carried my brother . Tonight I will be writing out two sympathy cards to two families that lost their babies in the month of may. I cannot think of anything worse then burying my child before myself- But having to watch my child on video being suffocated while others stood there watching – doing nothing or being forced to stand there because they could not do nothing . I thank God that Mr. Floyd’s Mom was called home two years ago and that she did not witness the death of her child the way the rest of the world witnessed it. On social media , the internet , the news , instagram and snapchat . The last minutes of his life that lead to his death went viral. Sending our nation into a whirlwind . Worse then the covid-19. It was not just every African Americans nightmare . It was every person of every race and minority who has ever been a victim of discrimination who has had frustration and anger buried deep inside them rising to the top like a splinter festering or a boiling pot about to blow and who was the prime target of all the hate ? The Police. And why ? Because the man that put his knee on the back of George Floyd’s neck for eight minutes , forty six seconds was a police officer and the other men that stood there and did nothing were also police officers. The same men that took oaths as civil servants and swore they would protect and save lives were now the cause of watching a man begging for his life. How can we watch that and still convince ourselves that injustice does not exsist ?Do you know that God knows are coming in and our going out ? God knew my brother Damien was going to be a stillborn baby because he had already created me . Had my brother lived , I would not be here. I owe God and my brother Damien everything. Do you know he was born with no voice . Never came out crying . No sound. Yet every day , every year that I grow older . His voice inside me gets louder . It gets louder in my conscience. He’s like the wind. I cannot see him but I can feel him. His voice has always been silent but I can hear him when I walk with Jesus . When I stop walking with Jesus and I stray from God’s word and I let my Bible get dusty or I watch my brothers and sisters stray away from church or walk away from the table of the Lord I seem to see more spiritual battles . I’ve been seeing them all week and my heart is breaking for the good police who do stand for justice and do not see color when they wear their badge . Who are now victims because of one man’s act of violence and all because they wear the same uniform . I see the man who acted in violence as a victim himself who listened to the enemy and was deceived when the enemy told him to keep his knee on this man’s neck. That he was a bad man . A thug. A dangerous man. Just another black man with no name . Probably a trouble maker. You would be surprised what the enemy can talk you into . If he can talk a brother into killing his own brother . You don’t think he can talk a man into keeping his knee on the back of another man in custody for eight minutes and forty six seconds? Especially if this is how he has been trained ? Watching the video was grossly wrong , brutal and totally unacceptable but George Floyd did not die in vein. God still knew his coming in and going out same as my own brother Damien. Same as you reading this and same as I writing this. He still took George Floyd on Memorial Day and it still got video taped live for the world to see .I find it oddly strange the similarities in Stephen in the bible and Mr.Floyd. How they both lost their lives in the public for everyone to see. Stephen accused of blasphemy and Mr.Floyd accused of a counterfeit twenty dollar bill . Stephen crying out, ” Look! I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing by the right hand of God.” While George Floyd cried out, ” Momma! , Momma” … ” I’m through.” Stephen prayed that the Lord would receive his spirit and his killers would be forgiven. I do not know if George Floyd had enough time .So I will do it for him. Because I do not know what sins George Floyd committed down here , I just know that no man is perfect and I have no doubt that he is with his Momma right now and I am glad that he is not here to see all the destruction that people are doing in his name. I think it would break his heart . To see the American Flag being burnt and firetrucks being vandalized. Homes being burnt to the ground and people losing the stores that they worked a lifetime to build- all in the name of George Floyd. To know that so many of his brothers and sisters will not be getting into the Kingdom of heaven because of his name. I would not want to have the name George Floyd . When you vandalize property that is not yours and burn down buildings and homes that you do not own and you cause a lifetime of damage that can lead to a person to lose everything, their finances , maybe their marriages, their livelihood, that may cause them to one day take their lives . You are responsible for that. You are breaking not only one Commandment . The Commandment of Thou shall not steal . You are breaking several and then to do it in the name of someone who lost their life is even worse. No matter how many signs you hold or protests you march , you will never have the freedom you seek without Christ in your heart. But you will always be accountable for the many lives that you effect . You alone are your own living pandemic and all because you want to be heard .It’s so funny that my brother who I celebrate today , on his 48th year in heaven with Jesus. Who came into this world with no cry . I can hear louder then two hundred people surrounding my car , holding signs beating in windows and damaging store fronts . The Devil will always put shackles on man and man who do not know the word of God and the truth it possesses will always let him. They will never find peace . They will always seek justice and never get it because they never pray for their enemies . When you pray for your enemies , God gives you peace even when man puts his shackles on you . You feel God’s peace and your prayers destroy your enemies and Satan flees and there is no better justice then that and the Devil does not want you to know that.