#266 Your toil is God’s gift to man.


This last week I made a personal vow to myself . After being on Social Media for about nine years and loving it . Maybe a little too much. Which for me was basically Facebook. I’m really not into the whole snapchat , twitter and instagram scene. I figure I’ll leave that for the more advanced. If you ask my children . Well my 24 year old and my 28 year old they’ll say my generation took over Facebook and made it uncool and lame that they moved on to other apps. Do you know they have other apps out now ? I’ve never heard of Telegram , Meet up , Reddit, LinkedIn and Tapebook. Have I been living under a rock ? No. I’ve been living on Facebook. I got a confession to make though. Those days I’m afraid are over. That’s the vow I made to myself . I’ve decided to put myself through Facebook detox. I guess there really is a season and a time for every matter under heaven. I guess what I’m trying to say is that some matters should not be discussed on social media . There too toxic. Especially with hot topics like politics and civil rights . I often ask myself when did we stop becoming human and start becoming critical robots feeling forced to reply with a fact check to everything? Anymore you can’t even post a picture of someone being kind or compassionate because it will literally turn into a political fight. I can’t tell you how many fights the devil has started on my posts by something he has took totally out of context from my words that had nothing to do with politics and whispered it in the ear of just one person . It took that one person to comment something negative. Turning a very sincere post that I really ment with all my heart into a blood bath . Some of the battles took off before I even knew the first shot was fired. It wasn’t until I logged back on and seen I had twenty some comments. Thinking to myself . How kind. Twenty some people were touched by the words the Lord gave me . Only to find out that the Prince of darkness and his demons got in the way causing chaos and confusion . Often times busting up friendships and ruining relationships right before my eyes. Do you know what that feels like ? To know that your hated so much by a world no one can see that you can’t even post a thing without the devil trying to intercept your words . Just to get to the people he knows might be having a bad day and might not be seeing and reading your words clearly . That’s how the devil plays. He’s not gonna catch my friends on a good day when they read the words on my posts the correct way. He’s gonna catch them on a bad day . When they’ve had about enough politics and they think I’m being political. When they’ve had enough christianity for one day and they think I’m trying to lecture them . That’s what the devil is all about . He’s a liar. He’s a thief and a joy robber. Most important . He’s a masked murderer. He’s not gonna catch you on the great days and whisper in your ear because on the great days it’s much easier to be grateful for all that you have. It’s the gloomy days . The harder days. The days we’re going through right now. Where we are starting over. Where we are being tested. It is so much easier to finish something then to start over don’t you think? Starting over with a new President. Starting over with a new year. New laws. New changes. Maybe that’s why I love the book of Ecclesiastes so much. No one really knows who wrote it. Many scholars have argued but most believe it was King Solomon. As the beginning of the book starts with the words … All Is Vanity…1 The words of the Preacher , 1: the son of David , king in Jerusalem. 2 Vanity 2 : of vanities ! says the Preacher , vanity is vanities! All is vanity . So , to me it’s kinda like take that for what you will. In my opinion and it’s just my take. I believe it’s King Solomon and I believe he wrote the book of Ecclesiastes at the end of his life . If you read the book in the Bible. It’s quite interesting. It’s one of my favorites. A few years ago . My friend Sue (Ethel) and I took a 4-5 week course on the book of Ecclesiastes. A Theology Pastor / Professor came down and taught a class . Just when you think you know it all. He had all kinds of degrees and you know what was cool. He really could have wiped the floor with every student in that class with his knowledge of God’s word but I remember him saying that would be so foolish because we never stop learning. I don’t remember his exact words though I wish I could . It was almost like he was trying to say that God never changes nor does his word but we are made anew everyday in God’s Word. So we are always learning but it is the fool that thinks he knows it all and needs not learn anymore. I never quite understood that until recently. That’s why I made the vow to myself to no longer deal with foolish people on Facebook any longer . Not on my newsfeed . Not even scrolling down. Life is too short to spend it foolishly. Just like in the book of Ecclesiastes says , it really is all vanity. The fighting going on against friend and foe. Friend and friend. Brother and brother. Sister and sister. All is vanity and a striving after wind. If you have much wisdom you will have much frustration. That’s just how it is going to be. He who increases knowledge increases sorrow. The thing is . I see so much anger on social media by so many people that are so blessed with healthy bodies , capable bodies . Making a good honest living. They are angry and frustrated. I feel their anger but I cannot watch it any longer because I get angry because I see myself in them and if there lucky like I was . God will do to them what he did to me and put them in their enemies shoes and I cannot bare to watch that because it really is a double edge sword when God brings you the gift of compassion. Compassion is such a gift. Especially when you forget that everyone is God’s child made from his image. It’s so hard to love your neighbor when he doesn’t work and your working overtime and have always worked a full-time job since you were a teenager. It’s hard to pray for people that are not worshiping the same way as you . You know they are wrong in their beliefs. You know that God would not condone what they are doing . God said he detested hands that shed innocent blood? Doesn’t that go for all innocent blood shed ? Aren’t we all living human beings from the first sound of that beating heart in the womb to the last beat our heart makes? It’s so hard to draw that line on who is voiceless when so many are weak in this life and being unheard like an innocent unborn child. Especially when you know that every child is God’s no matter what age from conception to death. Knowing we will all die. The foolish and the the wise. I’ll tell you. You read Ecclesiastes and you start to think a little bit about your situation and that man in the mirror that’s looking back at you. You start to see the wrinkles you didn’t see before. The wonderful laugh lines that seem to be disappearing and you wonder to yourself. Maybe it is better to have funerals everyday instead of parties because you know. When you bury the dead. You realize just how short life is. That you appreciate life and your thankful for your own. I think that’s the problem with today’s world and this virus. Let’s face it. It’s easier and safer right now and a lot cheaper to share an obituary on Facebook then it is to have a big viewing with a funeral. Many cannot afford the cost or take the chance of getting sick. Bury the dead don’t always slap us across the face like it once did. Seeing that lifeless body in the casket. Making us so immune and out of touch with the human race. That we become desensitized and lose compassion because we’re all about ourselves and wrapped up in our own little cyberworld. It’s human nature . I’m not throwing stones. What else do we have after a long day of hard work but to get on the computer and see what the rest of the world is doing ? My whole life I worked . I was a good worker. I never really complained about working. (My husband might tell you a different story )If you can be anything. Be a good worker. No one can take that from you. No matter what your job is. Do a great job. Do it with pride. That job is a blessing. Even if your sweeping up manure. Be glad you woke up to sweep. I will admit I had my moments when waking up to go to work wasn’t what I wanted to do but I never let my customers know it and one thing I don’t remember doing was complaining about paying taxes. Most will say. “Well you have kids .” I’ll tell you what. There is no tax check that can off set the cost of raising a child. Then there’s always that one comment from the Jack in the peanut gallery who chimes in ” well your the one who had all the kids. ” The point I’m making is. Right there , an unwelcomed debate I had so many times with my coworkers. It was a broken record in the break room. . That’s what Facebook has become. A broken record. Except my coworkers and I understood tax brackets , deductions , laws and being civil and why ? Because we were in the same room together. There’s something about the internet that gives people the permission to dehumanize eachother and get down right nasty and when it brings out my ugly sinful Camille that I work hard daily to drown out. Rises to the surface something has to go. I’ve already been taught compassion by my Lord and I’ve learned and I’m still learning the same way Paul learned with the thorn in the side as it will always be a reminder that the body and the money we make with the healthy body is not our own. It is God’s . The last time I complained about lazy people not working and paying their dues . I was frustrated. I was working and I had got hurt a couple months prior . At the time no one realized how bad my condition was including myself and that it wasn’t just physical but there was a reason I was experiencing mood changes, sleep changes , migraines and headaches. I had been in physical therapy but still working and getting worse . One night after therapy I stopped at a Walmart. It was in the winter. A night before payday. I only ran in for a few things . I had about thirteen dollars to my name. I was printing out some pictures when a man came up to me and asked for five dollars for gas . Claiming his wife was in the car with his son . They needed gas to get to the other side of Fort Wayne. Blah blah blah. Being I was already aggravated. My thoughts ‘I worked in the cold all day. Went to therapy. Dude I got thirteen dollars to my name ! Geezum! I know your lying !’ So I look down in my purse and I see two , five dollar bills and three, dollar bills . So I’m like here. I gave him the three ones . I wasn’t happy about it. In fact ,I even had to put away a couple things I was gonna buy but really didn’t need if that tells you anything. Limping my way to the car through the parking lot. I actually got angrier. I know it was the enemy in my ear as he kept telling me to look over at the liquor store,” you know that bum is over there , probably conned more suckers like you. ” You would have thought that three dollars was all I had in the world. Mind you, I was going home to a warm home. Healthy children . A husband . A freezer full of food. I only went in for corn torts. I was going home to make tacos. If that isn’t a blessed night right there but all I could do was stay in the darkness. Because I was in Fort Wayne. I spent the drive home talking out loud to myself . Complaining about all the lazy people in this world. How they don’t work. How hard I have had to work my whole life and where does it get you ? A beat up body before your time and a forehead that says sucker on it. I remember hitting the steering wheel out of anger because I was sick of working. Sick of paying taxes for low life lazy people who suck the system dry and do nothing so I can get up everyday and work my fingers to the bone. You know what you get when you work your fingers to the bone ? Boney fingers !! I wasn’t half way home when those boney fingers were pointing back at me . I never felt more ashamed in my life. Because I knew that it was the Holy Spirit convicting me of my words and reminding me whose money it was . Who gave me good health so that I could wake up everyday and make the good money I had made all the years before I got injured, the money I was going to take home that week. The job that was providing me physical therapy. I was reminded that working was a blessing. Just waking up was a blessing. When we complain about it being ours and where it’s going because we are making it and we , we , we ,I, I , I…. we and I are nothing without God. He has no problem making sure that all his children go to their knees before they go to the flames . He will do what it takes to get them there. He did it with Moses , he did it with The Apostle Paul and I know he did it with me. I will never get better mentally . There is no cure for post concussion syndrome .I have occipital neuralgia . I will never get better physically. There is no cure for sacroiliitis or lumbar degenerative disc disease but that’s ok. I never thought I’d ever say that until this week. Because seeing how hateful and mean everyone is becoming on social media dehumanizing eachother is not good for our country , it is not good for the church and it certainly is not good for one’s soul. If being healthy and being angry at my fellow Americans and brothers and sisters is gonna turn me back into something I once was . I’d rather the Lord keep me this way and keep me compassionate and seeing the human side of people because I’m right there with them . There’s nothing more human then watching your body fall apart and relying on medication and prayers to get you through the day . That’s what I love about Ecclesiastes so much . It’s such a great reminder to me that we’re all human. We will all die under the same sun and be subject to the same God. The unrighteous the unrighteous, the sinful and the sinful because let’s face it . Is there a sinless and a righteous without Jesus Christ among us making us so ? Through our baptism , word and water. Our communion in him through body and blood. Yes . Because without Jesus Christ we are by nature sinful . We will always turn around and fall off the wagon but when we strive to do better . We look to Our Savior repenting for our sin, turning away from sin turning to Our Savior for help. Jesus is the only way any of us can obey the Ten Commandments . The greatest advice that I’ve ever been given has been in Ecclesiastes. That everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all his toil , that is God’s gift to man . Ecclesiastes 12: 13 -14 The end of the matter all has been heard. Fear God and keep his Commandments for this is the whole duty of all mankind . For God will bring every deed into judgement, with every secret thing , whether good or evil and the Devil does not want you to know that.

#265 Broken wings


If everyone could stop for a moment . Take a deep breath and read the title of this blog. 365 Things the Devil Does Not want you to know. That’s right the Devil. When this title was placed on my heart I had many brothers and sisters in Christ come to me to try to talk me out of it because THEY didn’t like the title. It made them uncomfortable. It wasn’t the kind of talk christians should be talking about or should be seeing in bold print. There was one problem. THEY didn’t bless me with the title . God did. Do you really think I could come up with that title on my own? Do you really think I could come up with every powerful story each week on my own ? These stories have had the power to make some people laugh and some people cry. Some stories have had the power to uplift some so much. That they have sent letters, emails or sent cards with some of the most kindest words you could imagine . Sharing there own personal stories. Some people have come up to me when they see . Only recognizing me by my picture and they’ll just embrace me. Given me the kind of love I cannot even describe. It’s a feeling that I have felt before. Like these words were so powerful that they made some kind of connection with them and they knew in their heart that those words were for them and they were so grateful because they felt God’s love and knew he had not forgotten them. Just when you think it can’t get any cooler. The coolest thing happened a couple months ago when my children were waiting with their Dad at the Eye Doctor . My daughter Raelee noticed a woman reading her bible . When the woman’s name was called . Raelee got a little snoopy and noticed one of my newspaper articles were cut out and stored in her bible. When my children came home and told me that. I went upstairs in my bedroom and started to sob and just kept praising the Lord over and over. Because all the glory and honor goes to him. It is all him. God is the one true author. I am nothing. Through his Spirit he gave me that title. He is the one that gives me the strength to share the stories and gives me the bold confidence to write what I write . Through his spirit I can only write with love in my heart and compassion in my soul . My eyes see different with his Word whispering in my ear. So the light in my heart either shines bright for the love because I see a piece of Jesus in everyone. Even the people I don’t like ! or its gonna be a burning inferno because I can’t get the people around me to see the evil I keep seeing and that there is a war going on around us. Which takes me back to the title of this blog . I told everyone from the beginning. This blog was not going to be an easy read. I’m very honest. I’m very human . I’m very sinful . I can’t walk on water and I fail quit often and do you know what? The more faithful I am in Christ . The faster I get up . The faster he can help me. It may take me minutes . It make take me an hour . It may even take me a day to see what’s happening but the moment I do . I put my Armour of God on and I’m off to battle. With every piece I start to see clearly through the eyes of Jesus . I’m stronger in the Word . I’m stronger in my Faith . My whole attitude changes. The only thing that don’t seem to change is that I seem to have the same love for people. No matter how frustrated I get and angry I get. I can’t hate people . I will not go to bed without repenting for what I said or what I did and without praying for my brothers and sisters but when God saved me . He did something to my eyes . Because it doesn’t matter who you are or what you did . I can’t hate you because I keep seeing a piece of Jesus in everyone . So no matter how angry I get at anyone. If there sinning or they’re on the opposite side of me . Even if they’re aggravating me and on my last nerve . I keep seeing Jesus in them and I keep seeing the sinner , myself or I’ll see someone I love. One of my brothers. I’ll even see my Grandpa when an old person backs out of a parking spot right in front of a person and that person starts honking a yelling in anger. I want to cry for the old person when they get flustered . I get this fire in side . Where that once calming light was glowing . It starts turning red and turning up. It’s like someone just threw gasoline on that fire and I find myself wanting to get out of my car and pulling them out of their car and saying “that’s my Grandpa ! Or someone’s Grandpa! Your gonna be old one day you know !? “But I can’t . Because I’m too busy praying for them and rebuking the Devil in the name of Jesus and that demon whose whispering in their ear or my ear or both our ears ! I just start praying for the old guy that he gets home safe , starts driving better , more people show him kindness on the road and I pray for the impatient driver because nobody can see what I see. I see a demon on the shoulder of that person whispering in their ear . Telling them how late they’re running. How old people should not be driving. I also see a piece of Jesus in the person honking . Then , I look at the disgruntled driver and I see my Dad , my cousin Barbie and my cousin Yvonne! Three of the people I love and know with road rage! Good Lord. I can see them honking right now at an old person backing out in front of them . It would kill me if that old person was having a bad day , was packing and had nothing to lose. Demons have no age limits. They attach themselves on anyone to get on the nerves of everyone. Especially the ones who just uplifted the low in spirt , the faithful in christ. The giver. The kindhearted. The obedient. The caring. The peacekeepers. Anyone who hears the call of God and answers . I can honestly say . All three . My Dad , Barbie and Yvonne have held those titles over and over and over again. So of course the devil’s gonna mess with them on the road when they’re looking for the perfect spot or in a rush. Do you know how many deer have ran out in front of my Cousin Barbie’s car and met their destiny ? I’ve lost count and she’s lost many front ends. We all battle not only nature , but man , disease and illness . Plus we wrestle ourselves , our own demons , our own sins from the past, our present sins but do you know who we are really battling? We are battling principalities. We are battling against powers, against darkness, against the rulers of this world. We are not wrestling flesh and blood. We are battling spiritual wickedness. The battle that this world , Especially America is seeing right now is not against flesh and blood. Christians ! We know this! Put your Armour of God on on a suit up everyday. Please. Prepare! Stop fighting with man. Stop fighting with your brothers and sisters . Start praying for them. Start fighting on your knees. Start praying for strength and assurance that you KNOW who is in charge ! You know how the story ends. You know who wins the war. It is not the people in the White House . I know your scared. I know your even worried about me. I had many brothers and sisters reach out to me over the week. Some good, some not so good. On Facebook through messenger. Telling me they were praying for me and my soul because I was just like a dumbocrat . Yes I spelled that correctly. I was called a baby killer. I was told I knew better. According to everything I write . I don’t know anything about the word of God. They know whose side i’m on. They expected better out of me because they thought I was a christian. I also had many sisters and brothers reach out to me just to make sure I stayed the course. They didn’t want nothing to come between us. I’m gonna tell something . The devil has burned many bridges down between me and many people because I followed Christ. He has lied about me . Told people things that were untrue and got into the heads of many. A lot of my family and friends . You know what God did for me ? He let those bridges burn down and it hurt me bad. As I stayed strong in Christ and let him handle the destruction that the devil was causing. The confusion. The misunderstandings. God repaired many of those bridges with steel. Be strong . You will be tested. There is going to be damage and destruction. That’s ok. God will repair every bridge that needs repaired. I am christian . I never said I was a perfect one . It is not perfection God is looking for. Because we are all filthy ,sinful and unclean in his eyes. It is only through Jesus Christ that we are made clean and Holy. Jesus Christ saves. We are made perfect through him. Those who have a problem with me or with you. Brother, Sister, friend or foe better get over that grudge real quick. Because I love them regardless and I pray you love them too.. I will hold no grudges or resentment in my heart each night. I pray for everyone . I repent of my sins and will always try my best to do better the next day . My intentions are for good . My intentions are always to stand firm on the word of God. Never to digress. God knows my heart but I am human and I’m not perfect so I always appreciate your prayers because if there’s anyone the Devil wants to dissect limb for limb , word for word and push off course. It will be me. Not to change the subject but…Speaking of dissecting a limb. Did you know a bird can’t fly without one wing ? I never gave it much thought really until driving home Sunday night with my teenage daughter . Seeing a bird and wondering. What the heck? Why isn’t he in Florida . Then I thought maybe he got left behind because he only had one wing ? So I made Carly google it. Don’t laugh at me. I bet you didn’t know it either. Thinking about everything going on in this world. Politically speaking. My thoughts keep drifting to our National Bird. The Eagle. If a bird can’t fly without one wing how can an Eagle ? They can’t. They can’t get off the ground. They need a left wing and a right wing. The Eagle need both sides to fly. America may be divided right now and in crisis . Over who is seated as President and who is not seated as President. One thing we must remember . It is the Lord God Almighty who sits on the throne that is the one and only true Commander and Chief. We may not see eye to eye with every person in the Nation but guess what? Your not in the same boat with every person in the Nation but we sure as heck are in the same storm and do wanna know something? Do you know what the Eagle does to get out of the storm ? He uses both his wings to swoar above the clouds, out of the rain and out of the storm but he needs both his wings to do it . If both his wings are broken they both need healed to swoar and the Devil doesn’t want you to know that.

#264 Sheep and Goats


I don’t know about all of you but from my neck of the woods I feel like I could use a V8. Which always makes me laugh when I say that . Because if anyone knows what a V8 is and can remember the commercials back in the seventies and eighties . They were quite funny. If you don’t know what a V8 is. A V8 is a blended juice made from 8 vegetables and or fruits that is sold worldwide. You can find them at most gas stations and grocery stores. The V8 has been owned by the Campbell soup company since 1948. Their commercials were some of the funniest I can remember watching as a kid. It always seemed to have a guy at the office walking sideways . Really off his game and someone always seemed to be offering him a V8 to get him back to being balanced because it’s essential for us that we get those 8 essential vegetables and nutrients in our bodies instead of filling ourselves with all that junk food everyday. As the co worker would be offering his off balanced co worker a V8 for lunch. His co worker who would be walking so swiftly, so anxiously blurting out..,”no thanks I had pizza.” The next day . His off balance co worker would be walking through the office being offered a V8 .. same ol reply..”no thanks, I had a greasy cheeseburger.” This would go on everyday as the co worker would finally stop and try that V8. Then finally come to balance . His eyeglasses even straighten out. Right then and there a forehead bonk from either himself or his co worker and he’d say ,” I shoulda had a V8!” Then the eighties came around and V8 changed their commercials with a little jingle “Snacking the whole day through oh what it does to you .. 🎶(forehead bonk) WOW ! I shoulda have had a V8 !” As it would show a woman who went all day snacking on cake and cookies and not feeling so hot. The message was still there. If your gonna keep filling yourself up with toxins and things that aren’t good for your system and get nothing in you that is healthy. Your not gonna feel so well at the end of the day. I feel the same way about the things you surround yourself with in general. The things you listen too daily. The things you watch on TV. The things you follow on social media, Facebook,Twitter. The friends you surround yourself with. Some things and people are toxic. Only we don’t normally see ourselves going sideways. The way somsone who sees us daily might see. Until you get something better in your system or maybe it may take someone to give you that forehead bonk. Until that moment comes. Your gonna be a person that is probably gonna be a toxic one and a very unhealthy one to be around. I truly believe that goes for not only food that we eat but everything we put in our system. The beginning of 2021 has not started out so well. I don’t make any New Year’s resolutions because when I can’t cut the mustard I don’t want to feel like a failure. So I try to pick something that’s a positive. Where I can better myself . I don’t share it with anyone . For one reason and one reason only. You ever notice that when you fall off the wagon , there’s always that one person you shared it with to remind you that you broke your resolution? So what do you do ? You give up and really fall off the wagon and run yourself over. You might have only messed up that once if only that one person not known and said anything. That’s why I keep it to myself. Myself and God. There are just some things that only God and you need to know. Like who you vote for. Who you want for President. There’s a reason why we have dividers when we vote. Same reason why we have bathroom stalls in public restrooms. Privacy man. Does anyone have any humanity or humility for human kindness these days ? Half of social media should have had a V8 this week as far as I’m concerned. I have been both Democrat and Republican in my life and I’m gonna tell you. I have been ashamed of some on both sides this week. Please note that I said SOME not all. I will not judge a group by a whole based on some and their actions. I won’t even judge a man by his character. A man will play many characters in the span of his lifetime. It is not my job to judge any man. I was just ashamed . Because I knew a lot of them and they were fellow Brothers and Sisters of mine. I kept asking the Lord is it my job to call them out ? And it was like God was telling me to just offer them a V8. That’s all you can really do . Is offer the fruits that grow in you. You do not push your beliefs and fruits down another’s throat. You simply do not. No matter how right or wrong . Your job is to pray for them . You have the fruits growing inside you. That are nutritionional. Confess your sins and get on the same level and pray for one another. My brothers and sisters who get on their pedestal and fight or shout for the unborn . I admire you and love you so much. Because that is a gift. To be a voice for the babies who need a chance to live but I beg you to watch the slippery slope you walk when talking a double talk. We cannot wish for all babies to be born and then turn around and complain about why ones taxes are going up to feed these children. Because you can be and I said “can be” half the reason why a Mother makes her choice to have an abortion. When all she hears is hatred. When she’s already having a hard time feeding the mouths of the children she has. God will be dealing with you on a later date if your judging her harshly for getting herself in trouble and finding herself in a fix after all until you can walk on water . While that Mother knows the act that she has committed. She can repent. But you know not what you have done. Then we got the ones who condemn those who are pro choice and put their bodies first . Let’s think about this a little. I’m just throwing it out there . Food for thought so to speak. Whose body is this? We don’t even wake ourselves up in the morning. Our bodies are God’s bodies. Our bodies are to be used as a temple for the Lord. A dwelling place for the Holy Spirit . Yet so many I know get so angry at people who are pro choice but when I ask them a personal question and they willingly answer me. When I ask if they have made the choice to get a vasectomy or tie their tubes and was it for the purpose to save their life ? Most tell me no. They just didn’t want to have more children. It’s different though.. They are not killing babies. While I agree . It’s a lot different. It may only take a woman . One abortion to realize she made a huge mistake. But just how many babies was God planning on blessing you with? before YOU decided to play God and be pro choice . Because that is exactly what you did. You broke the First Commandment. Though Shall have no other God’s before thee . Yet so many times I see so many people I love. Me included. Kicking God right off the throne and putting ourselves there for our own personal choice and personal agendas and then what do we do. We point the finger at the other side trying to tell them how to live their lives when we can’t even do what God has Commanded us to do !” Be fruitful and multiple and fill up this earth and subdue it .. ” If christians are losing control of this world. Maybe it’s because christians arn’t doing what God commanded. Maybe just maybe christians are becoming of this world and not just in it. The only thing a christian should be doing right now is extending grace , confessing their sins out loud , praying for eachother ,loving one another , as they love themselves and forgiving one another as we have been forgiven. It is written that the prayers of the righteous are very powerful . That’s the thing. No one knows who the righteous are. Only God. No one has to tell me that Our Country is in trouble. Our world has always been in trouble since God casted Lucier and all the Angels who followed him to it. Why do you think God sent his Son to die for us ? Because we didn’t need help? No. Because he knew we were gonna need all the help we could get. We needed a Savior . We needed to be saved. We needed a helper in the Holy Spirit. We do not know it all. Though we think we do. We do not. We even think we know more then Our own Government. I ask you . Do we ? Because if we truly do. Then why in Romans 13 1-2 would it be written ‘ Obey the government, for God is the one who put it there. There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power . So those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow. ‘ God made it very clear in his word. He did not say to complain, to reject, to disagree , disturb or overthrow. He said to obey. Period. Do you think that the slaves loved being slaves? Whether Israelite or African American. No! No man should be a slave to another man and no man should be a slave to the devil. We are free . We are no longer in shackles . We were made free the moment that Jesus died on the cross for all men . Why must we all repeat history? The devil did it through the BLM protest and riots and he’s doing it again and he’s playing all you chumps who keep on saying your following the Shepherd when your acting like goats in your actions. . Your christian but your actions prove that your merely a goat. Jesus was not a violent man. Jesus would never break the law of the land. Jesus would be praying. Jesus would have no fear . I know Jesus and he knows me . I must ask you . Do you ? I’m not a perfect person. I’m a great sinner but I’m not a perfect person. That’s why I know Jesus so well. Because I lean on him so much. Because the more I mess up. The more I go to him. The more I sin. The more I repent. The more I want to judge another. The more I want to complain and worry for my rights . Worry that one day I will not be able to write about Jesus in the paper. Worry that my children won’t get to go to a christian school . Worry that I’m sinning and don’t even know it. Worry of everything I did in my past and didn’t repent. Worry of my future. I look to Jesus and do you know what he says? Most people in this life think that sheep are stupid. I am the one and only true Shepherd. Stay focused on me .Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself and tomorrow does worry about itself because I don’t. That’s how I know Jesus so well. Because I go to him so much. I admit I am a sheep and I do look to my Lord , and my light , My Jesus , My Savior and yes, my Shepard . For strength, for help and for the answers because he wasn’t joking when he said we would have trials and tribulation and that he wasn’t just coming to save . He was coming to divide. Not just Father from Son . Mother from Daugher and in the end the sheep from the goats. It is when the Son of Man comes in all his Glory with all the Holy Angels with him, then he will sit on the throne of his glory. Before all the nations that will be gathered and he will separate them one from another. As a Shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. It is in the book of Matthew 25 :31- 46 where you can find a complete description on why the goats didn’t make it. I truly believe that Jesus and the Angels are among us. We are the children of God and those who accept the Lord in their heart see eachother as Jesus. God knows their heart. He knows the truth. He cannot be fooled. He knows what is fraud , what is fake and what has been tampered with. You need not worry anymore. It is not your job to worry. It is God’s job and trust me when I say. God is not worried. When you worry, you merely show God that you are a goat and you have no trust in the Shepherd who leads you and you actually think you can do better then God.It may not matter now but it will when the Son of Man sits at the throne and he starts dividing . Goats on the left. Sheep on the right and the Devil does not want you to know that the goats on the left go with him.